
Inteligencia Artificial: Riesgos y Oportunidades

Anuario Internacional CIDOB 2021 – Claves para Interpretar la Agenda Global: Nuevas Tecnologías Disruptivas, ¿Riesgo o Oportunidad? (Parte 1).

La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) es uno de los sectores tecnológicos más prometedores y con mayor potencial para transformar nuestra cotidianidad. Sin embargo, presenta también riesgos importantes, en función de factores como la regulación, el debate ético y la distribución, igualitaria o no, de los beneficios de esta tecnología. A la estela de Finlandia, son ya una treintena los países que han lanzado una estrategia nacional de IA.

La Privacidad como Instrumento de Resistencia Colectiva

Anuario Internacional CIDOB 2021 – Claves para Interpretar la Agenda Global: Nuevas Tecnologías Disruptivas, ¿Riesgo o Oportunidad? (Parte 1).

UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

In November 2021, the 193 Member States at UNESCO’s General Conference adopted the Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, the very first global standard-setting instrument on the subject. It will not only protect but also promote human rights and human dignity, and will be an ethical guiding compass and a global normative bedrock allowing to build strong respect for the rule of law in the digital world.

To do so, UNESCO launched a global consultation, collecting comments from online surveys, regional consultations, and the open, multi-stakeholder, and citizen deliberation process led by Mila and Algora Lab (Université de Montréal). 611 participants of more than 54 countries participated in this inclusive dialogue on ethics in AI.

SustAIn Magazine: Sustainable AI in Practice

New magazine on how sustainable AI can be put into practice. The environmental, social and economic sustainability costs of AI urgently need to be addressed by academia, industry, civil society and policy makers – based on evidence. First edition.