Responsible use of AI in European local authorities: Contract clauses for the procurement of AI

In the context of the Legal subgroup of Living-in.EU and in collaboration with DG GROW, two Roundtables on Procurement Clauses of AI have just been concluded. Organised by Eurocities in the context of Living-in.EU and led by the Dutch Law firm Pels Rijcken, the exercise aimed at peer review common procurement clauses on AI for local authorities.  

Building on the good practice of the City of Amsterdam and considering the latest development of the European proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Act, the objective of the Roundtables has been to peer review the Procurement clauses developed by Amsterdam and draft a standard for public procurement that can be used by public authorities across the European Union.  

The Roundtables were held online and included discussions and breakout sessions using pre-defined formats and collaborative tooling. More than 40 experts from legal, industry, technical, procurement, and ethics domains participated in the exercise